27 December, 2010

Rainy Day Thoughts, With Toys

I despise rain. Moreso when I have to be out in it for over eight hours at a time with very few opportunities to get under cover and dry off even a little bit. But I did manage to find a few new ways to re-affirm to people that I’m not all there in the head (wearing a big yellow raincoat and telling people I was a Twinkie cause I was yellow on the outside and white on the inside) or just being aggravatingly annoying to them by standing in torrential rains and cheerfully wishing them a happy monday. They hate that.

Keanu Reeves by the way is a lot taller than I thought he would be. SCruffier too. Long hair and a long black beard. Not what Iw as expecting at all.

But during the few moments of reprieve I got I was able to think about a few things here and there. Thinking about the possibilities for the future in the home owners market, which I may have to look once again into the VA loan program. I served long enough they can give me a cheap loan damn it!

There are enough cheap and open places just in my own neighborhood that it shouldn’t be to much of a problem. The main problem I think will be the downpayment because the jackasses at the banks spent years giving loans out to people who they probably shouldnt have (at government insistance unfortunately) so the last time I was going to buy a place, they wanted a 10k down payment on a 30k place just because of all the other people who they gave money to that couldn’t pay.


But on to a more interesting and fun topic..TOYS!

I was shopping around, window shopping really, at Extreme Restrains.  A rather neat little toyshop that while it looks a bit pricey, does look like it has some very high quality items to torment people with. One of the first things that I came across was the “Steel Impaler Tower”.  Now this really looks like a neat little torture device that I could so see putting a few girls into and keeping them in it for a while.

  Per the description: “Imagine having your partner locked inside this impaler tower. As you circle them, you admirably gaze at their locked in body. Their arms are bound behind them and their legs are locked into a folded position. You gently lean down and make sure that the steel dildo rod is firmly placed inside of them. Now when they move the dildo rod will move with them. Depending upon their angle and the height you place the dildo rod you can have it inside of a wet, hot pussy or an awaiting anus. The choice is yours. This is a high quality steel bondage device designed to offer a pleasurable experience for both partners”

Fun fun fun. Even if it is $375.00 it doesn’t look to bad. And actually looking at how its put together, as well as a few other items in their dungeon furniture line, Some of this could be very easy to replicate and probably a lot cheaper too. It would not be the first time that I have built a nasty little torture device to use on unsuspecting little subs and slaves.

The Back Stockade actually looks even easier to replicate should I have the desire too.  That would actually be a hell of a lot easier to build than most types of dungeon devices. Cheaper too if I were to use jsut a sturdy solid wood rather than metal too. But then agaoin I do like the look and feel of steel. It jsut seems more dungeony…is that a word…it is now.

And now for something completely different:

Now lets be honest here, this is fucking hot. A helpless girl strung up, stripped down and jsut waiting for her torment to begin. With the impliment to be used in that torment clenched so deliciously between her teeth. Now that is a nice image.


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