As hard as it may be to believe, or admit for that matter come to think about it, my thoughts and perceptions on things is not the end all be all about a great many things. I freely admit that I do not know everything and I’m not always 100% correct all the time. Just most of the time.
I have my own perception of things and how certain things should be, should be conducted and done and things of that nature, that are based on my own personal experiences and I freely admit on my own personal biases. It’s one of the reasons I very rarely engage myself in any sort of forum or discussion group dialog. I may read from it, but I for the most part will not give my own thoughts and opinions. Mainly for the fact that for the most part what I feel and think runs counter to alot of what is the accepted politically correct way of doing things. That and I can’t help but think a lot of people who post things to a great number of the BDSM and kink oriented types of forums are naive weekend warrior type idiots.
Am sorry, but I am far from the fluffy huggable bunny type. Just not in my nature. I have strong opinions and ideals that guide my actions , morals and ethics, and just becasue certain elements want people in the mainstream to be accepting of what it is that they do in this regard, doesn’t mean I have to play along and water down everything I do to make it presentable. I don’t work that way.
However, knowing this is how I am, and how uinlikely it is for me to change my thoughts and opinions without a great deal of rational and god forbid logical thought provoking discourse, I recognize the need for others to braoden their horizons so to speak. In fact, anyone that I have every been with in this type of relationship, I have encouraged (and at times commanded) them to seek out other peoples views (even and especially those with views counter to my own) to listen to them, take in all the assorted informationa nd random mutterings going on all around, and then form their own opinions and ideas based on that and their own perceptions.
I for one think this is important. In exposing them, willingly or not, to other viewpoints, it allows the submissive/slave/whathaveyou to the myriad of possibilities and realities all around.And besides, just because I personally believe that SSC is a bunch of fluffy PC marketting crap, doesn’t mean that those who adhere to and believe in it don’t have a viable and valuable point. It’ just that I h appen to whole heartedly disagree with anything that attempts to force acceptance through buzzwords and other ways of saying “we’re normal honest” types of things.
And part of this, I’ve always thought taht it was important for s-types to develop relationships with others who can understand what they are dealing with and going through due to similar perspectives. Yes, intellectually dominant types do understand certain things, but almost singularly on an intellectual level. It’s one of those things taht unless you have personaly experiecned something, while you may know on some level what it is about, you will not really understand to the level that they do. It’s as simple as that.
So it is always good for submissives and slave types to have a support network of like minded people who do understand and can give their own insights based on their own thoughts, feelings and experiences. I have always encouraged those sorts of friendships and for the most part I always will. Granted, this depends on the individual as well. Would be hard pressed to find it worth the time to let someone get involved with another person who believes the old trope that the “submissive really has all the power’. Damn you CSI for propogating that even more.
If there is a value, even if its just along the lines of a cautionary tale, it is helpful.
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